So, I am getting close to getting this script working but something is still not working.
I have a folder action script (which I’ve revised to work as a standalone script). It is to send a job to the command line version of Compressor. Anyway, work in progress script below:
--on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theItems
set theItems to choose file with prompt "Select File"
tell application "Finder"
set file_name to displayed name of theItems
--repeat with i in theItems
-- set theName to the name of (item i of theItems)
--end repeat
set compressor_appfile to (application file id "" as Unicode text)
set theFiles to the quoted form of the POSIX path of theItems
set myCluster to the quoted form of "-clustername AntonMacBookPro"
set the compressor_UNIXfile to (compressor_appfile & ":Contents:MacOS:Compressor") as alias
set the UNIXfile_path to the quoted form of the POSIX path of the compressor_UNIXfile
--repeat with f in theItems
-- wait for the item to be all there. Since it can take a few minutes for a file to copy over.
-- set Was to 0
-- set isNow to 1
-- repeat while isNow ≠Was
-- set Was to size of (info for f)
-- delay 30 -- longer if getting the item is slow
-- set isNow to size of (info for f)
-- end repeat
--do shell script UNIXfile_path & space & "-clustername AntonMacBookPro\\ Cluster" & space & "-jobpath" & space & theFiles & space & "-settingpath" & space & (quoted form of "/Users/anton/Library/Application\\ Support/Compressor/Apple\\ ProRes\\ 422\\ Interlace.settings") & space & "-destinationpath" & space & (quoted form of "/Users/anton/Movies/") & file_name
do shell script (UNIXfile_path & space & "-clustername" & space & "AntonMacBookPro" & space & "-jobpath" & space & theFiles & space & "-settingpath" & space & (quoted form of "/Users/anton/Library/Application Support/Compressor/Apple ProRes 422 Interlace.settings") & space & "-destinationpath" & space & (quoted form of "/Users/anton/Movies/") & file_name)
end tell
--end repeat -- get next item f in thisFolder
--end adding folder items to
The resulting Event Log is this:
tell current application
choose file with prompt “Select File”
alias “Macintosh”
end tell
tell application “Finder”
get displayed name of alias “Macintosh”
get application file id “”
do shell script “‘/Applications/’ -clustername AntonMacBookPro -jobpath ‘/Users/anton/Movies/Converted/’ -settingpath ‘/Users/anton/Library/Application Support/Compressor/Apple ProRes 422 Interlace.settings’ -destinationpath '/Users/anton/Movies/'”
end tell
But the job doesn’t get submitted.
If I would submit the job in terminal, I would do the following command:
cd /Applications/
and then I would have to do:
./Compressor -clustername AntonMacBookPro -jobpath /Volumes/SourceLocation/ -settingpath /Users/TheUsersName/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/TheSettingYouWant/setting -destinationpath /Users/DestinationFolder/
This works every time.
So, what isn’t translating right?