Mixed up noob..... mix and match? promt for ip

I’m still very new to applescript and maybe i’m doing things beyond my capabilities, but here what i got… I need to scp a file to certain ip address… i can do it with the script below:

tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd ~ ; cd .ssh ; scp authorized_keys2 music@" in front window

end tell

I would like it to promt me for the ip address… something like this :

set remoteHostByIP to text returned of («event panSdlog» "Please enter IP of Client:" given «class btns»:{"Cancel", "Connect"}, «class dflt»:"Connect", «class dtxt»:"") as Unicode text

tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd ~ ; cd .ssh ; scp authorized_keys2 music@" & remoteHostByIP & ":~/.ssh/" in front window

end tell

Obviously that doesn’t work… what is the syntax that i need to use? Also is there an easy way to have it input the password which is always the same?

Thanks for any help i get on this… very very apreciated

See if this is what you’re after:

set remoteHostByIP to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter IP of Client:" buttons {"Cancel", "Connect"} default button "Connect" default answer "") as Unicode text

You can fill in the default answer quotes to whatever you like. I’m not sure about your password question.