Modifying Spam Report Script Questions.

[ I tried to contact the author, but his email address returns invalid. ]

I’m new at Applescript. I’ve looked at the 20 page pdf file with entourage items (objects, …)which can be used with applescript without much result.

I am looking to modify the spam script to have the sent email use a different from address. (my default is a domain address while I use a separate account for spam reporting issues)

I’ve tried a few things like the name of the account etc but it doesn’t seem to accept the earthlink address as the from address, it always “defaults to the default account”.

		make new outgoing message at out box folder with properties ¬
			{sender:"", content:src, subject:"Spam report", recipient:"Spam & Junk Fighters"}

I changed the recipient to a Group name to be able to send it to several instances, as I didn’t seem to find a way to get TO & CC correct, or to separate addresses in the TO field. The group thing works.

Thank you very much in advance for any help you may be able to offer.


I will try to post the correct answer when I get home. (I have done it in at last one script I have.)

For other Entourage scripts I would suggest looking at the script library of Paul Berkowitz who is one of the most prolific producers of scripts for Entourage.

You can send mail from an address as long as it has an account created for it. (This account does not have to receive mail.) The first line is to get a reference to an account:

set myAccount to the first POP account where its name is “Spam Reporter”

and then send the mail using the account:

make new outgoing message at out box folder with properties {content:src, subject:“Spam report”, recipient:spamAddr, account:myAccount}

Come to think of it, this script may have started out as the one you are using.