I m trying to determine the current month number of each quarter via AppleScript.
Depending on the month number returned the script will begin populating data in a spreadsheet on a different line.
1st Quater
If Jan then month number would be 1
If Fab then month number would be 2
If Mar then month number would be 3
2nd Quater
If April then month number would be 1
If May then month number would be 2
If Jun then month number would be 3
3rd Quarter
If July then month number would be 1
If Aug then month number would be 2
If Sep then month number would be 3
4th Quarter
If Oct then month number would be 1
If Nov then month number would be 2
If Dec then month number would be 3
If month number is 1 then continue script in cell D3
If month number is 2 then continue script in cell D4
If month number is 3 then continue script in cell D5