more mount volume stuff

Hey folks,
I’ve just recently begun to migrate to OS X (10.2.6). I work for a fairly large printing co. and have put together several scripts to automate some of our processes. I’ve done everything in 9.1 til now. Needless to say, there are some differences.
However, for now, I have a script to mount several volumes that everyone needs to use. The issue I have is that whenever I run the script in OS X I get the log in window to display. I want this to go seaml;essly without any need for user input. There are NO passwords used. I can’t seem to get past this. How can I write into the script that there is no password so the volumes mount without the login window?
This isn’t a problem in OS 9.1.

It might make it easier to get help if you post the script that fails. :slight_smile:

k. Rob,
This will display the login window. Again, there is no password.

[mount volume “afp://user name”]

I’ve used ‘x’ for place holders for the IP address.

I’ve not had any problems with this using 9.1. Only when in 10.2.6.

Thang Q

I can’t test this because my local network requires a password but maybe it will work for you.

mount volume “afp:// Name” as user name “name”

Thanx, but it still stops at the login window.
I just can’t seem to get past the no password thing. :x

What about including the password parameter with no password?

mount volume “afp:// Name” as user name “name” with password “”

I tried the empty string thang, alas, to no avail.
It’s gotta be something simple. It’s just that my simple mind must be too simple.

I’m not sure if this is what your looking for. It will give you limited access to the Volume, mine requires a password for full access…

mount volume "afp://"

fake IP, insert your IP in place of the fake one.

I use this script to mount different volumes.

set theVolume to "PowerBook"
set theServer to "Laptop G3"
set theZone to "*"
set theName to "username"
set thePassword to "password"

mount volume theVolume on server theServer in AppleTalk zone theZone as user name theName with password thePassword

I think you just need to remove the Password Section.

Works fine with most volumes appart from OS9 to 0SX, don’t know why may be some one knows?

Hope this is of some help.


I’ve tried everything (Ithink).

mount volume CacheLocation as user name CacheServerUserName with password CacheServerPsswd

I’ve tried with zones. It works fine OS X to OS X and OS X to OS9, but nothing seems to mount right wit 9 to X.


When I go from OS 9 to OS X I use this script to connect

mount volume "afp://user:password@"

That’s a fake IP address, insert your corrected IP in place of the fake one.

I tried
mount volume “afp://user:password.pass@ Archive/”
but now I just get the error

“Network File Permission Error”

Which seems odd, because I ran this same thing on my OS X box and it worked just fine. So it would seem that the user and password supplied would have the correct file permissons whether on OS 9 or OS X.

Your ethernet cable maybe at fault, try it with a known good cable. I was getting the same errors with a bad ethernet cable. If you are going from computer to computer you need a cross-over cable, if you are going through a hub-switch,etc. you need a straight thru cable. Also, be sure to check the AppleTalk Control panel in OS 9 to make sure it is set to Ethernet.

I can connect just fine when I do it manually through the chooser.

Well that rules out the ethernet cable. I noticed a couple of things in the line of code…

afp://user:password.pass@ Archive/
  1. The user:password.pass has a dot then pass (password.pass) the syntax should be



The dot may be throwing you off.

  1. The VolumeName has a space in its name, which may be a problem. (not sure, I’m just guessing) You might try this…
mount volume "afp://user:password@ Archive/" 

Or try it without the VolumeName

mount volume "afp://user:password@

Let us know if you have any success.

:smiley: Okay, I changed the password from fmuser.pass to fmuser and it worked. Did a little experiment and found out that the problem is with the length and not the ‘.’
Passwords over 8 characters cause this to break when it’s OS 9 to OS X. It worked okay in ever other configuration.

Thanks for the follow up, I hope it helps others. I had forgotten about the 8 character pass words. I heard you can use a long password but Mac OS X only uses the first 8 char’s, I didn’t know it could cause problems though. Might be a candidate for a bug report. :?