More questions about alias'

I’m trying to make a record of items in a folder and certain folders. I want to check the folder and file locations to see if they have been moved out of their original places. Below I have a script I was using to test this.

set theList to {z:{}, x:{}}
set t to choose file
tell application "Finder"
	set theFold to container of t as string
	set tname to name of t
	set z's end of theList to theFold
	set x's end of theList to tname
	get item 1 of z of theList
	get item 1 of x of theList
end tell

The results of the two get statements are

The question I have is why are the two items listed as aliases when, as far as I can tell, the items in the list are text items? I want to use these items as paths to the original containers so that if a file is dragged out of a folder and set on the desktop the script will let me know that items have been removed. The problem is that, eventhough I am trying to use text to create a path to the original position, it is still being viewed as an alias and finds the file no matter where it has been moved to. Is there an easier way? And even if there is an easier way, I’d still like to know why these are still viewed as aliases.

Thanks All.


You’re misreading the Event Log (which the above is an exerpt of), which is showing the two ‘get’ events sent to Finder on lines 4 and 5 of your script (one to get an object’s container, the other to get its name). Lines 8 and 9 are evaluated by AppleScript alone - no Apple events are sent to Finder - and both return strings as expected.

Thank you hhas.

There must have been something else I was doing wrong in the actual script. I had it adding the files chosen to the list each time the script was run (stupid computer was doing what I told it to and not what I wanted it to.:D) because it would always find the file no matter where it was dragged.
