More rating troubles (this time with iTunes)

I tried this in an on clicked handler to set the rating of the current song to the contents of my level indicator. This is what I have, but sometimes when you click, it only gives you half values and others it gives you a full star. Its just really inconsistent.

tell window "main"
			set therate to (contents of control "ri") * 20
		end tell
		tell application "iTunes"
			set cur_track to the current track
			set the rating of cur_track to therate
		end tell

in my level indicator, i have minimum 0, max 5

i also tried rounding and that didnt work :confused:

What different values do you get therate to be?

Does this help?

set therate to (contents of control "ri") * 20 as integer


if you don’t want 1/2 star ratings, then I think, this should work:

set therate to (round(contents of control “ri”)) * 20

then you only get rating values of 0/20/40/60/80/100

Hope that helps,


Dominik, that didnt work, i get this error:

Ok, so I managed to do that, with longer code, but now I have another problem. I made a method that gets gets the rating of the current track and another for setting the rating. So now I cannot set the rating because they are conflicting.

Here are my two methods I use.

get stars method:

on getstars()
	set starnum to 0 as integer
	tell application "iTunes"
		set cur_track to the current track
		set cur_rate to the rating of cur_track
		if cur_rate = 0 and cur_rate < 20 then
			set starnum to 0
		else if cur_rate > 19 and cur_rate < 40 then
			set starnum to 1
		else if cur_rate > 39 and cur_rate < 60 then
			set starnum to 2
		else if cur_rate > 59 and cur_rate < 80 then
			set starnum to 3
		else if cur_rate > 79 and cur_rate < 100 then
			set starnum to 4
		else if cur_rate = 100 then
			set starnum to 5
		end if
	end tell
	tell window "main"
		set contents of control "ri" to starnum
	end tell
end getstars

and the set stars method:

on setstars()
	tell window "main"
		set therate to contents of control "ri"
	end tell
	tell application "iTunes"
		set cur_track to the current track
		if therate = 0 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "0" as integer
		else if therate = 1 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "20" as integer
		else if therate = 2 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "40" as integer
		else if therate = 3 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "60" as integer
		else if therate = 4 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "80" as integer
		else if therate = 5 then
			set the rating of cur_track to "100" as integer
		end if
	end tell
end setstars

Try something like this:

on getstars()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set starnum to (rating of current track) div 20
	end tell
	set contents of control "ri" of window "main" to starnum
end getstars
on setstars()
	set therate to ((content of control "ri" of window "main") as integer) * 20
	tell application "iTunes"
		set rating of current track to therate
	end tell
end setstars

Works perfectly, thanks :smiley: