Mount network share with spaces


wondering if anyone know of a way to mount a network share with spaces using applescript.

I’ve been using this code:

set ADHome to do shell script “dscl ” & quoted form of nodeName & ” -read /Users/” & loggedInUser & “| grep SMBHome: | cut -c 10- | sed ‘s/\\/\//g’ ”

and it returns:
" "

When I try :
set ADHome to do shell script “dscl ” & quoted form of nodeName & ” -read /Users/” & loggedInUser & “SMBHome:”

\\ES-LLPS\LLPS Students$\s1llps”

So I know the space in the share is the issue. Is there a way to remove the space or assume quote it? and have it mount correctly with kit returning \\ES-LLPS\LLPS Students$\s1llps

I’m not quite sure of the commands as just getting started with apple script and mounting shares.

Thank you,
