Mount volume on OS 10.5


I have a script that mounted a volume on the desktop with MacOS 10.3 and 10.4.

This same script under 10.5 doesn’t mount the volume on the desktop. Is this something to do with the command “Mount Volume” or a change in OS 10.5.

How do you mount a volume on the desktop of OS 10.5?

Thanks for the help.

Andrew Hobson

You don’t tell us much, but “mount volume theNameOrURL of volume to mount as unicode text” works for me. See the Scripting Additions dictionary. Parameters include: “as user name”, “in AppleTalk zone” (not required if URL is used), “on server”, and “with password”.

Try this…

set diskName to "Backup HD" as Unicode text
set deviceName to do shell script "diskutil list | grep \"" & diskName & "\" | awk '{print $6}'"
do shell script "diskutil mountDisk /dev/" & deviceName

or this…

set theDisk to "Backup HD" as Unicode text
do shell script "diskutil mount `diskutil list | awk '/ " & theDisk & " / {print $NF}'`"


Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Sorry, here are some more information: I’m trying to mount a network volume from a windows 2003 server.

Here is the code:

mount volume (“smb://a.hobson:password@” & myDiskName)

The disk is mounted but I would need to see it mounted on the desktop!

And with 10.5 it doesn’t.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Andrew,

Have you checked to show «Connected servers» on the desktop in your Finder preferences?

Just a thought…

Hello Martin Michel,

You are right, the checkbox was not set…

Know everything is correct.

Thanks a lot to all of you for the help.
