Mounting a windows folder over a network that has changing IP address

At work I am the only mac. We are on a simple LAN with a LinkSys router. Everything is DHCP and the ip addresses change about every day due to the shut down’s throughout the day and evening (crazy windows machines :wink: ).

How in the world do I mount a folder across the network via AppleScript on this messed up network? IS there a way to do a search for the computer name?

I have alias’s to the folders setup on my desktop. I just click them and the folders mount in the finder. It doesn’t seem that easy in AppleScript when you are on a non-static ip address network.

I have tried using the ip address but the next day, everything is different.

Any help is greatly appreciated…


Well, you would mount a windows share point like this I believe. (No windows boxes around to test it on.)

tell application “Finder”
open location “smb://user:password@”
end tell

But your issue is more than that.
I you have a Linksys router, you can get to it’s admin page and set all or some of the computers to have a static ip on the LAN. Therefore, even after powering down, they will boot up and obtain the same ip they had the day before.
The admin of your network should be well aware of how to do this. If not, you can do it yourself from any browser. You might want to take a look at Linsys’ site to figure out what you’ll be doing first.


have you tried using the computers name instead of the ip, i remember this working on 10.3 but i haven’t had any windows boxes to mount for quite a while