Move Automator QuickAction from QuickActions menu to main context menu

Some of my Automator QuickActions appear on the main contextual (shortcut) menu, and some are buried in a separate Quick Actions submenu. I could’t figure out how to make the ones on the submenu appear on the main menu, and then found that Erik Johnson found the solution:

I built his method into an AppleScript that will offer to modify any of your Quick Actions so that they appear on the main context menu, and I thought other people might find it useful. Probably the AppleScript is incompetent, but it seems to work:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

--based on Erik Johnson's post: 

on run
	set libPath to POSIX path of (path to library folder from user domain)
	set strPath to libPath & "Services/"
	set inFile to choose file with prompt "Select a Quick Action file to modify" of type "workflow" default location strPath
	set inPosix to POSIX path of inFile --no slash at end
		do shell script "plutil -remove NSServices.0.NSIconName" & space & quoted form of (inPosix & "/Contents/Info.plist")
		display dialog "Success." & return & return & "The workflow should now appear on the contextual menu, not the Quick Actions menu." buttons {"OK"}
	on error err
		if err contains "no value to remove" then
			display dialog "No change was required. The workflow should appear on the contextual menu, not the Quick Actions menu." buttons {"OK"}
			display dialog err
		end if
	end try
end run
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I tried this, and at first it didn’t seem to work; when I ran your script on the Quick Action I wanted moved out of the Quick Actions submenu, it just disappeared from the submenu, but didn’t appear in the main Finder context menu.

Checking System Preferences > Extensions > Finder, the QA in question had also disappeared here.

I then checked through the rest of the menu, and discovered my QA under the Services submenu! Not ideal, as this is just another submenu, but I then found this article on, which has this rather helpful note:

Note the extended “Services” submenu has also been merged to become part of the general right-click menu because it dropped under 5 items. That’s because the “Services” section becomes it’s own dedicated submenu once more than four items or Service options are available for a given file, filetype, or folder, but with under five items, the Services menu blends into the general right-click menu of Mac OS X.

So, basically, if you go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services, and uncheck all the Services you don’t need, and you’re able to get the resulting context menu for the given file type under 5 items, Services no longer appear in a submenu, but at the bottom of the Finder context menu :ok_hand:

I guess this also implies that removing NSServices.0.NSIconName from the info.plist of a quick Action converts it to a Service instead, at least on a practical level.

I hope someone finds this extra info useful, if they’re having issues with getting things moved out of the Quick Actions submenu :blush:

Thanks for the awesome script!

EDIT: The script, and my comment, worked on my machine, which is running Monterey 12.6.3.