Move or Copy to Selected Destination Folder

I’m looking to create an Automator service containing the following Applescript (or an Applescript that will act the same way). The service will work on Finder items, single or multiple files and/or folders. First, I select items in the Finder, then go to the Services menu to invoke. When invoked it will do the following:

  1. A popup will ask me to select move or copy
  2. A second popup that will ask me to select a destination from a list of destinations.
  3. The selected files and/or folders will be moved to the selected destination.

set theMethod to button returned of (display dialog "Select Move or Copy" buttons {"Move", "Copy"})
set the_list to {"Desktop", "Documents", "/Ext HD/Photos"}
choose from list the_list
set theDestination to result
if theDestination is false then return

display dialog (theMethod & " to " & theDestination)

if theMethod is equal to "Copy" then
	tell application "Finder" to duplicate items to folder theDestination with replacing
else if theMethod is equal to "Move" then
	tell application "Finder" to move items to folder theDestination with replacing
end if


to move or duplicate items with the Finder you have to specify the full path to the destination folder.
“Desktop” and “Documents” are common folders and can be specified with predefined relative paths.
Other (custom) destinations must be HFS paths (starting with a disk name and separated by colons).

Copy the script in an AppleScript action in Automator.

property destinationList : {"Desktop", "Documents", "Ext HD:Photos:"}

on run {input, parameters}
		set theMethod to button returned of (display dialog "Select Move or Copy" buttons {"Cancel", "Move", "Copy"})
	on error
		return input
	end try
	set theDestination to choose from list destinationList
	if theDestination is false then return input
	set theDestination to item 1 of theDestination
		if theDestination is "Desktop" then
			set theDestination to path to desktop
		else if theDestination is "Documents" then
			set theDestination to path to documents folder
			set theDestination to theDestination as alias
		end if
		if theMethod is "Copy" then
			tell application "Finder" to duplicate input to theDestination with replacing
		else if theMethod is "Move" then
			tell application "Finder" to move input to theDestination with replacing
		end if
	on error e
		display dialog "An error occurred: " & e
	end try
	return input
end run

That seems to have done it. Much appreciated!