Move Page Item to another page

Hi All,

I have a quark document, with a lot of pages. I want to place item of page 1 to every odd pages. And item of page 2 to every even pages.

Can anybody help me out.

I am new for AS.


Hi AS_Mac_Script.

Welcome to Script world.

I will guide you, when I will get free from my work. Guys please help him if somebody has a solution.


This is an example of how I would go about this using 2 master pages for the even and odd pages. Hope this helps somewhat? If you name your items on the master pages you can them move to layers later which is what you were asking in the Quark forum the other day. I can’t get Quark’s forum today looks like its down.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell default document 1
		set page height to "100 mm"
		set page width to "100 mm"
		set left margin to "10 mm"
		set right margin to "10 mm"
		set top margin to "10 mm"
		set bottom margin to "20 mm"
		set automatic text box to false
		set guides showing to true
		set guides in front to true
		set horizontal measure to millimeters
		set vertical measure to millimeters
	end tell
	make document at beginning
	tell page 1 of master document 1
		make picture box at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"M1 Pict", bounds:{"10 mm", "10 mm", "60 mm", "90 mm"}, color:"Magenta"}
	end tell
	tell page 1 of master document 1
		make text box at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"M1 Text", bounds:{"60 mm", "10 mm", "80 mm", "90 mm"}, color:"Cyan"}
	end tell
	tell master document 1
		make new page at end
	end tell
	tell page 2 of master document 1
		make picture box at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"M2 Pict", bounds:{"10 mm", "10 mm", "60 mm", "90 mm"}, color:"Black"}
	end tell
	tell page 2 of master document 1
		make text box at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"M2 Text", bounds:{"60 mm", "10 mm", "80 mm", "90 mm"}, color:"Yellow"}
	end tell
	set MasterA to object reference of page 1 of master document 1
	set MasterB to object reference of page 2 of master document 1
	tell document 1
		set master spread of (make page at end of spread 1) to MasterB
		repeat with n from 2 to 4
			set master spread of (make page at end) to MasterA
			set master spread of (make page at end of spread n) to MasterB
		end repeat
		make new layer at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"Master A Text", visible:true, locked:false, color:{0 * 655.35, 255 * 655.35, 255 * 655.35}, keep runaround:true, suppress print:false}
		make new layer at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"Master A Pics", visible:true, locked:false, color:{255 * 655.35, 0 * 655.35, 255 * 655.35}, keep runaround:true, suppress print:false}
		make new layer at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"Master B Text", visible:true, locked:false, color:{100 * 655.35, 100 * 655.35, 255 * 655.35}, keep runaround:true, suppress print:false}
		make new layer at beginning with properties ¬
			{name:"Master B Pics", visible:true, locked:false, color:{200 * 655.35, 0 * 655.35, 200 * 655.35}, keep runaround:true, suppress print:false}
		set pageCnt to count of pages
		repeat with i from 1 to count of pages
			set current page to page i
			tell page i
				set boxListA to (every picture box whose name is "M1 Pict")
				repeat with thisBoxA in boxListA
					move thisBoxA to beginning of layer "Master A Pics"
				end repeat
				set boxListB to (every text box whose name is "M1 Text")
				repeat with thisBoxB in boxListB
					move thisBoxB to beginning of layer "Master A Text"
				end repeat
				set boxListC to (every picture box whose name is "M2 Pict")
				repeat with thisBoxC in boxListC
					move thisBoxC to beginning of layer "Master B Pics"
				end repeat
				set boxListD to (every text box whose name is "M2 Text")
				repeat with thisBoxD in boxListD
					move thisBoxD to beginning of layer "Master B Text"
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell