Movie Still to TIFF to JPEG Conversion (One Step Automator)

I work in a TV station where we pull video stills that are converted to JPEG images for our website. Our current workflow is a two step process of pulling a 1 frame video still that is run through a Compressor droplet within the Final Cut Pro Studio 2 software that converts it to a TIFF image. We then take the TIFF image and run it through an Automator app that converts it to JPEG.

I’m trying to find a way to compress this two step process into a 1-step Automator app that takes the video frame, converts it to TIFF using the compressor droplet then converts it to JPEG. Basically I am trying to streamline the process since we have reporters and photogs doing this process in the field all the time.

This is the Automator workflow in its current design, it does not function at the moment. The idea is to drag-n-drop the video frame into the App, it runs it through the Compressor App, which takes 10s to open (DELAY) and convert. Then the App sources whatever is in the folder that it sent the TIFF image to then be converted to JPEG and sent to the Desktop renamed with a timestamp.

I don’t have any experience in AppleScript so any assistance that could simplify this workflow would be greatly appreciated. If I could load an AppleScript into the Compressor droplet to do this same conversion that would also work as well.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

The sips command line tool which comes with OSX may be helpful to you in automating this.
