Currently a part of my digital workflow looks something like this:
- copy RAW file (Nikon .NEF files, DSCabcd.NEF or _DSCabcd.NEF format) to harddisk
- copy the files to directories ab00
Example: DSC2879.NEF is moved to directory Data:RAW:2800, DSC3182.NEF to Data:RAW:3100 etc.
I am now looking to automate this task with Applescript. How can I determine the directory name (2800, 3100, etc) based on the filename? In other words can I copy the 4th and 5th or 5th and 6th character from a filename using Applescript?
Remco Jan Woldhuis
Model: iMac G3/400
AppleScript: 10.3
Browser: Safari
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)