Moving files for digital photography workflow


Currently a part of my digital workflow looks something like this:

  • copy RAW file (Nikon .NEF files, DSCabcd.NEF or _DSCabcd.NEF format) to harddisk
  • copy the files to directories ab00
    Example: DSC2879.NEF is moved to directory Data:RAW:2800, DSC3182.NEF to Data:RAW:3100 etc.

I am now looking to automate this task with Applescript. How can I determine the directory name (2800, 3100, etc) based on the filename? In other words can I copy the 4th and 5th or 5th and 6th character from a filename using Applescript?

Remco Jan Woldhuis

Model: iMac G3/400
AppleScript: 10.3
Browser: Safari
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

something similar to this is what you are looking for.

	set the theSource to folder "source" of folder "Desktop" of folder "kim" of folder "Users" of startup disk
	copy (every item of theSource whose name begins with "DSC28") to folder "2800" of folder "RAW" of disk "Data"
	copy (every item of theSource whose name begins with "DSC31") to folder "3100" of folder "RAW" of disk "Data"
set theName to "DSC3182.NEF"

set theName to every item of theName
set fourfive to item 4 of theName & item 5 of theName
set fiveSix to item 5 of theName & item 6 of theName