I am trying to write two applescripts to replace two macros we had in earlier versions of MS Word. One script changes the Track Changes preferences so the track changes are displayed with strikethrough etc which is better for printing on a BW printer. While the other script changes the preferences back to using color for viewing edits on screen. I’ve included one script below. The problem is that some lines work, some lines don’t appear to do anything and some lines behave incorrectly (eg. double underline puts a single underline). Many thanks in advance for your help! HJ
--**Track Changes on - settings for printing**
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set keep track of formatting of settings to true
set inserted text mark of settings to inserted text mark none
set inserted text color of settings to blue
set deleted text mark of settings to deleted text mark strike through
set deleted text color of settings to turquoise
set revised lines mark of settings to revised lines mark left border
set revised lines color of settings to true
set revised properties mark of settings to None
set revised properties color of settings to auto
end tell