MS Word: Change the colour of bold text

Hi there,
I’m looking for the syntax to find all the bold text and replace it with red bold text
I’ve tried this, but it doesn’t work.
Thanks for your help

Tell application "Microsoft Word"
	set findRange to find object of selection
	tell findRange
		clear formatting
		clear formatting replacement of it
		set bold of font object to true
		set color index of replacement to red
		execute find find text "" replace with "^&" replace replace all
		clear formatting
	end tell
end tell

Find it…

tell application "Microsoft Word"
	set findRange to find object of selection
	tell findRange
		clear formatting
		clear formatting replacement of it
		set bold of font object to true
		set color index of font object of replacement of it to red
		execute find find text "" replace with "^&" replace replace all
		clear formatting
	end tell
end tell