MSWord, setting margins of document

Can I script the setting of margins (top, bottom, left, and right) in a word document?

Perhaps consult . iptref.pdf

Though it refers to Word 2004 most of it applies to current version as well.

This is an almost direct quote from page 149 of the above document.

tell application "Microsoft Word"
	set orientation of page setup of section 1 of active document to orient landscape
	set pmSales to page setup of active document
	set left margin of pmSales to (inches to points inches 0.85)
	set right margin of pmSales to (inches to points inches 0.95)
	set top margin of pmSales to (inches to points inches 1.5)
	set bottom margin of pmSales to (inches to points inches 1)
end tell

it also has all the info on footers, headers etc.
