Multiple recipients in mail app

Does anyone know how i can get multiple email addresses in my email recipients box? Please
This is what i have so far it will be part of a bigger script but just working on it in sections to start…
i can select multiple emails from my list but it only puts the first one in. i’m sure there is a simple solution,
but i can’t find it… any help would be very appreciated.

set mylist to {"", ""}
choose from list mylist with prompt "Choose an email recipient." with multiple selections allowed
copy the result as list to {the the_email_address}
--set the the_email_address to the result
tell application "Mail"
	set theSubject to "¢IMPORTANT!¢" as string
	set myMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {content:"Hello this is an auto-generated email from the artwork team" & return & "pdf's have been placed in a folder for you to view on some computer somewhere" & return & "Laser visuals have also been printed off this artwork and are ready for you to collect", sender:"", subject:theSubject, visible:true}
	tell myMessage
		set my_recipient to make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:the_email_address}
		--set cc_recipient to make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:the_email_address}
	end tell
end tell

Managed to figure it out if anyone is interested.

set mylist to {"", ""}
set the_email_choices to choose from list mylist with prompt "Choose an email recipient." with multiple selections allowed
copy the result as list to {the the_email_address}
tell application "Mail"
	set theSubject to "¢IMPORTANT!¢" as string
	set myMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {content:"Hello this is an auto-generated email from the artwork team" & return & "pdf's have been placed in a folder for you to view on some computer somewhere" & return & "Laser visuals have also been printed off this artwork and are ready for you to collect", sender:"", subject:theSubject, visible:true}
	repeat with the_email_address in the_email_choices
		tell myMessage
			set my_recipient to make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:the_email_address}
			--set cc_recipient to make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:the_email_address}
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell