Multiple selected from table view

I have a slight problem, I’ve a AppleScript project built in XCode where I want the user to be able to select multiple PST files from a table view and get them imported into Entourage.

Does anybody have any sample scripts for allowing multiple selections from a table view?.

Thanks in advance



Here is a handler that I use:

to GetKeys()
	tell (table view 1 of scroll view 1 of window "key_window")
		set allItems to (contents of data cell "key_words" of data rows of it's data source)
		set s_keys to (call method "objectsAtIndexes:" of allItems ¬
			with parameter (call method "selectedRowIndexes" of it)) --Creates list of selected keywords
	end tell
	return s_keys
end GetKeys

As long as you have named your data column in IB properly, this baby works like a champ. I, however, did not write the routine, I lifted from some thread here, but I can’t locate it again.

Thanks Craig for the code, only problem is I can’t show what the user selected. code below:

on clicked theObject
if name of theObject = “reveal” then
tell (table view 1 of scroll view 1 of window 1)
set allItems to (contents of data cell “key_words” of data rows of data source of table view 1 of scroll view 1 of window 1)
set s_keys to (call method “objectsAtIndexes:” of allItems with parameter (call method “selectedRowIndexes” of it)) --Creates list of selected keywords
end tell
end if
if (length of s_keys is less than 0) then
display dialog “empty selection”
display dialog s_keys
end if
end clicked

Once clicked, it will display to tell me that its not a empty selection, but the next display dialog just gives back “NSInternalScriptError (8)”… any ideas?


Actually forget that, just got that bit sorted… Now just have to workout why its putting the result out on one line.