Muting Browsers

Is it possible to mute browsers ( firefox, safari )? The purpose of this is so that I can mute the browsers and not have to listen to sounds that play in Flash Websites, I still want music on my machine but then I have to listen to flash sounds as well. is there a way to just block browser sounds???

thanks all

Not that I can see. Muting seems to be system-wide.

dang. yeah I was just browsing the dictionaires for safari and firefox, didn’t see anything about sound. I wonder how else this can be accomplished… any ideas?

You might try (with a backup beforehand) to play with “~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/EHKLNYU9/” or one of the other files in that neighborhood. Maybe if you took it out it wouldn’t break Flash.

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How about something like this…

property quietApps : {"Firefox", "iTunes"}
property loudVolume : 0

on run
	set tmpVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)
	if (tmpVolume > 0) then
		set loudVolume to tmpVolume
		set loudVolume to 20
	end if
end run

on idle
	tell application "System Events" to set frontApp to displayed name of first process where it is frontmost
	set managedVolume to loudVolume
	if quietApps contains the frontApp then set managedVolume to 0
	set volume output volume managedVolume
	return 1
end idle

to verifyVolume()
	set tmpVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)
	if (tmpVolume > 0) then set loudVolume to tmpVolume
end verifyVolume

Make sure to save as a Stay Open application or application bundle.


That is just about what I’m going for, it still mutes the system volume when firefox or safari is on top, I bet there is no way to still have the system volume up but mute just the browsers, so that music is still playing through itunes?

oh, I changed the qiuetAps to = {“Firefox”,“Safari”}