My applescript is not working in under OS X 10.5.7


I have a apple script that reads the input from text file and it captures webpage using Paparazzi. It is working fine under nder OS X 10.4.x

please suggest what needs to be done ?


post the script :wink:

I attached the script.

(I heard that Leopard includes a new version of Applescript)

Please help.


global inputFileString, inputFile, localFolder
global myTab
global currentPath, defaultsFile
global theInputData, theHost, theDirectory, lastChar, theUsername, thePassword, theDelay, theTimeout, theJPEGQualityFactor, theScaleFactor

-- Change the delimiters.
on atid(the_delim)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the_delim
end atid

--Subroutine to replace "/" with "_".
on remove_chars(theChar, this_text)
	my atid(theChar)
	set the item_list to every text item of this_text
	my atid("_")
	set this_text to the item_list as string
	my atid("")
	return this_text
end remove_chars

-- ========================================
--function to split a string using multiple delimiters
on multi_atid_split(the_string, the_delims)
	-- store the originals and set up the marker.
	set {OLD_delim, _marker_} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "?|?"}
	-- process each of the delimiters in the_delims replacing each with the  _marker_
	repeat with this_delim in the_delims
		my atid(this_delim) -- see the handler that follows
		set the_string to text items of the_string
		my atid(_marker_)
		set the_string to text items of the_string as string
	end repeat
	-- At this point our text looks like this:
	-- "This is a string?|? with?|?multiple delimiters."
	my atid(_marker_) -- now get the markers out
	set the_string to text items of the_string
	my atid(OLD_delim) -- rebuild with the originals
	return the_string
end multi_atid_split

-- ========================================
on doMainWork()
	tell window "theMainWindow"
		--Set the parameters			
		set theInputData to (do shell script "cat " & quoted form of POSIX path of inputFileString)
		set theHost to contents of text field "serverField"
		set theDirectory to contents of text field "directoryField"
		set lastChar to (item (number of characters in theDirectory) of theDirectory)
		if (lastChar is not "/") then
			set theDirectory to theDirectory & "/"
		end if
		set theUsername to contents of text field "usernameField"
		set thePassword to contents of text field "passwordField"
		set theDelay to (contents of text field "intervalField" as integer)
		set theTimeout to (contents of text field "timeoutField" as integer)
		set theJPEGQualityFactor to (contents of text field "jpegQualityField" as real)
		set theScaleFactor to (contents of text field "scaleFactorField" as real)
		set theDataArray to multi_atid_split(theInputData, {myTab, return}) of me
			-- get the current time
			set oldStartTime to (current date)
			-- get and upload the pictures
			set gotError to false
			tell application "Paparazzi!" to activate
			tell application "Paparazzi!"
				set itemNumber to 1
				repeat (the number of items in theDataArray) / 3 times
					set theLoc to (item itemNumber of theDataArray)
					set theWidth to (item (itemNumber + 1) of theDataArray) as integer
					set theHeight to (item (itemNumber + 2) of theDataArray) as integer
					set oldTime to (current date)
					capture theLoc crop size {theWidth, theHeight}
					repeat until (((current date) > (oldTime + theTimeout)) or not busy)
						--do nothing
					end repeat
					if ((current date) > (oldTime + theTimeout)) then
						set gotError to true
						tell application "System Events"
							tell application "Paparazzi!" to activate
							key code 36
						end tell
					end if
					if (gotError is false) then
						set theLocFixedChars to remove_chars("/", theLoc) of me
						set theLocFixedChars to remove_chars("?", theLocFixedChars) of me
						set theOutputFile to localFolder & theLocFixedChars & ".jpg"
						save as JPEG in theOutputFile quality theJPEGQualityFactor
						tell application "Image Events"
							set theImage to open theOutputFile
							scale theImage by factor theScaleFactor
							save theImage
							close theImage
						end tell
						tell application "Fetch"
							store alias theOutputFile host theHost user theUsername password thePassword path (theDirectory & (theLocFixedChars as string) & ".jpg")
						end tell --Fetch
					end if
					set itemNumber to itemNumber + 3
					set gotError to false
				end repeat --each item
			end tell -- Paparazzi
			tell application "Paparazzi!" to quit
			repeat until ((current date) ³ (oldStartTime + (theDelay * 60)))
				-- do nothing while we're waiting
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end doMainWork

-- ========================================
on awake from nib theObject
	set myTab to "	"
	tell window "theMainWindow"
		--Look for the defaults file
		tell application "Finder" to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
		set currentPath to POSIX path of result
			set fileContents to (do shell script "cat " & currentPath & "/Screencapture_defaults.txt")
		on error
			set fileContents to ""
		end try
		--If we found it, then get the parameters
		if (fileContents is not "") then
			set defaultsFile to currentPath & "/Screencapture_defaults.txt"
			set inputFileString to (do shell script "grep inputFile_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "inputFileField" to inputFileString
			set localFolder to (do shell script "grep local_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "localFolderField" to localFolder
			set contents of text field "serverField" to (do shell script "grep server_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "directoryField" to (do shell script "grep directory_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "usernameField" to (do shell script "grep username_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "passwordField" to (do shell script "grep password_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "intervalField" to (do shell script "grep repeatInterval_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "timeoutField" to (do shell script "grep timeout_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "jpegQualityField" to (do shell script "grep jpegQuality_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			set contents of text field "scaleFactorField" to (do shell script "grep jpegScale_SC " & defaultsFile & "| awk -F= '{print $2}'")
			doMainWork() of me
		end if
	end tell
end awake from nib

-- ========================================
on clicked theObject
	-- ========================================
	if name of theObject is "setInputFileButton" then
		tell window of theObject
			set inputFileString to (choose file with prompt "Choose the input file:" without invisibles)
			set contents of text field "inputFileField" to inputFileString
		end tell
		-- ========================================
	else if name of theObject is "setLocalFolderButton" then
		tell window of theObject
			set localFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the picture folder:" without invisibles
			set contents of text field "localFolderField" to localFolder
		end tell
		-- ========================================
	else if name of theObject is "activateButton" then
		tell window "theMainWindow"
			doMainWork() of me
		end tell
		-- ========================================
	end if
end clicked

can you please explain, what’s going wrong. The more detailed the better.

The script will read the input file and it will take a snapshot of the website.

input file contents: 800 600 775 515 850 450 950 475 800 500

the images capture is working fine in the OS X 10.4.x. But it is not working in OS X 10.5.7