Once again I have to say this site completely rocks. Here’s my situation: I am working with some people on a very simple HTML website that will be updated daily and we want to speed up the process with AppleScript. The site is built with an unchanging template and will be updated daily with nothing but 100 text links. VERY simple.
Currently we are going about the process by surfing the web for links we like. When we find one we are copying and pasting the URL in to TextEdit, along with a brif description. Once we have a hundred links we open up the template in Dreamweaver and begin pasting the links in to the table and typing in the descriptions by hand. Then we upload with Fetch. It’s tedious and a waste of time.
So what I’m looking to is come up with an AppleScript, or a series of them that will make this easy. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: I’m thinking we surf with Safari, when we com across a link that we like we simply hit Cmnd+D to Bookmark it. When you do this in Safari a little dialog comes up where you can enter a name for the link; this could be the description we’ve been typing by hand over and over.
So is it possible to make a script to read this data from Safari and paste it into Dreamweaver? And after it pastes all the links it could upload as well? Any suggestions for improvement? Wou;d it be better to use BBEdit or any other apps? ANY of your thoughts are welcome. Thanks guys.