My mental health doctor or psychiatrist app... not finished....

Hey I could use a couple suggestions for an app I am making that is called, “Bryce’s mental health institution” when activated it will it isn’t done yet, and only the button “doctor” is working but anyways it is working partially it tells you how to get into conversation with the terminal doctor…

(* copyright © BJ creations *)

set dig1 to display dialog "Welcome to the Cross mental health institution.Our talented staff (obviously without degrees) will help you!Who do you need to see?" buttons {"Doctor", "Psychiatrist"}
set dig1_res to button returned of dig1
if dig1_res is "Doctor" then
	display dialog "Now type \"emacs\" in terminal, then press esc-x and then type \"doctor\"." buttons {"Ok"}
	tell application "Terminal"
	end tell
end if

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Browser: Safari 417.8
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)