Hello All,
I have a simple Applescript task that I am trying to figure out and I’ve had no luck.
My goal is to have InDesign create a new document and give the document a name.
This does not work:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
set newDocument to make document with properties {name:"INSERT NAME HERE"}
end tell
Any information would be greatly appreciated,
From what I can tell, the document’s name is a read only property and cannot be altered with Applescript during creation of the new document. I think your best best is to have the script immediately save the new document and tell it the new name at that point.
I couldn’t test this, since my InDesign is attached to a database system, but this may do what you are asking for:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
set FilePath to (path to desktop folder) & "New Name Here" & ".INDD" as string
set newDocument to make document
save document 1 to FilePath
end tell