I was browsing here a while looking for a national language problem, but although I found solutions to receive the national language of a workstation,
this won’t be a solution for my problem still.
I am German and I am using a german configured workstation.
set filpath1 to choose file
tell application "Finder"
set ar1 to kind of filpath1
end tell
get ar1
For a Photoshop Tiff file this will return:
“Adobe Photoshop TIFF-Datei” - on my machine
but: “Adobe Photoshop TIFF file” on an english configured machine
(for some unknown reasons I get this answer even on a different, german configured machine. )
Although this is undoubtedly a useful behaviour in most cases, my problem begins when I like to compare these strings, because in every case
“Adobe Photoshop TIFF-Datei” ≠“Adobe Photoshop TIFF file”
So if I use these strings for comparisations, my script will fail.
To find out the national language of a workstation and to code the comparisations in dependence of it isn’t a real solution, because:
- I will have to code not only displayed text (i.e. in dialog boxes) in several languages but in my “real” program as well.
- Such a construct won’t work i.e. on a spanish machine without a spanisch adaption if the user decides to use my english version instead.
Now my question: Is it possible to code a script which will always return a specified language, i.e. “Adobe Photoshop TIFF file”,
irrespective of the chosen national language of the workstation ?
Thanx !
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)