need applescript to open a zip file

Greetings :slight_smile:

I’m newbie on applescript and I need a applescript to open a zip file. :oops: Can anyone give me a help here?

Thanks in advance



I would do it with the shell cmd unzip , i.e with something like the following function :

on zipFile(path_to_zip_file)
   do shell script "unzip " & path_to_zip_file
end zipFile



I am trying to use this, but I am having no luck. I know the zip file exists?
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, whereas this shell script insn’t working for me?

on zipFile("Users/admin/Library/Preferences/Adobe\\ InDesign/Version\\")
	do shell script "unzip " & "Users/admin/Library/Preferences/Adobe\\InDesign/Version\\"
end zipFile