Need help finishing off a server mount application

hello everyone,

I’m trying my hand at serious applescript for the first time. I’ve managed to use Applescript Studio to create an interface and pass information to my script and it works really well.

The point of the project is that we have students (I work in a k-12) that need to log in locally to a laptop, but then have access to their documents stored on a mac server. Once they log in, they will run my application, which asks for student ID, password and what grade their in. Currently, our setup has our Freshmen and Senior folders on one server (docs1) and Sophomores and Juniors on another (docs2). My current scripts follows:

-- Student Volume Mounter
-- Version 1.0

--  Created by John Deery on 12/21/07.
--  Copyright 2007 __South Brunswick School District__. All rights reserved.

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Log On" then
		set theWindow to window of theObject
		tell theWindow
			set passwd to contents of text field "passwd"
			set student_id to contents of text field "student_id"
			set server1 to ""
			set server2 to ""
			if student_id is "" then
				display alert "You must supply a Student ID" attached to theWindow as critical
			else if passwd is "" then
				display alert "You must supply a password" attached to theWindow as critical
				tell matrix 1 of theWindow
					set temp_var to (name of current cell) as string
					if temp_var is "senior" then
						set student_year to "2008"
						set student_server to server2
					else if temp_var is "junior" then
						set student_year to "2009"
						set student_server to server1
					else if temp_var is "sophomore" then
						set student_year to "2010"
						set student_server to server1
					else if temp_var is "freshman" then
						set student_year to "2011"
						set student_server to server2
					end if
				end tell
					tell application "Finder"
						open location "afp://" & student_id & ":" & passwd & "@" & student_server & "/HomeDirs/" & student_year & "/" & student_id & "/Documents/"
					end tell
				end try
			end if
		end tell
	end if
end clicked

So this works, but the problem is that students’ logins are managed on a central server (teacher login) and once authenticated, tossed to the server they belong to. If I use my script to log on to the Senior server with a Junior account, it authenticates, but then drops me in the “HomeDirs” folder. I’d like to avoid this by running some type of a find command to see if their folder exists before finishing the mount.

I had thought to use mdfind, but nothing that I did worked, and I’m a little warry of trying to mount the network drive as root (or admin), do a find, then reject the mount if not found or remount if it is found, just in case the students find a way to cancel the operation and have the server mounted as root (or admin).

So I guess, basically, I’m looking for some guidance as to how to go about making this foolproof so I know that our students won’t get into places they’re not supposed to. Yes, we have our security set up so that they wouldn’t be able to get into another other student’s folder, but I want to make sure they can’t even get that far.

Thanks for any help/ideas!



I always mount my afp server with the do shell script command.
With this you can be as precise as you want to be with afp mounts. Like what volume, volumename, etc
If you want to now more about mounting afp server with the do shell script command than open Terminal and type: man mount_afp

It works like this: (please note the comments)

on mountServer(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
	-- First a check to see if we allready are mounted. 
        -- If so then unmount and mount with our new data.
		do shell script "test -w  /Volumes/" & USERNAME
		set MOUNTEXISTS to "true"
	on error
		set MOUNTEXISTS to "false"
	end try
	if MOUNTEXISTS is "true" then
			do shell script "umount -f /Volumes/" & USERNAME
		on error
				do shell script "rm -rf /Volumes/" & USERNAME
			end try
		end try
	end if
       -- the -o nobrowse option means that this mount will not be visible in the Finder. 
       -- delete this and it will be visible in the finder.

		do shell script "mkdir -p /Volumes/" & USERNAME & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
		do shell script "mount_afp -o nobrowse afp://" & USERNAME & ":" & PASSWORD & "" & USERNAME & "/ " & "/Volumes/" & USERNAME & ""

	on error
		display dialog "ERROR"
	end try
end mountServer

Wow, thanks for the help, it’s gotten me 99% of the way :smiley:

Here’s what I have now:

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Log On" then
		set theWindow to window of theObject
		tell theWindow
			set passwd to contents of text field "passwd"
			set student_id to contents of text field "student_id"
			set server1 to ""
			set server2 to ""
			if student_id is "" then
				display alert "You must supply a Student ID" attached to theWindow as critical
			else if passwd is "" then
				display alert "You must supply a password" attached to theWindow as critical
				tell matrix 1 of theWindow
					set temp_var to (name of current cell) as string
					if temp_var is "Senior/Freshman" then
						set student_server to server2
					else if temp_var is "Junior/Sophomore" then
						set student_server to server1
					end if
				end tell
			end if
			-- First a check to see if we already are mounted.
			-- If so then unmount and mount with our new data.
				do shell script "test -w /Volumes/" & student_id
				set MOUNTEXISTS to "true"
			on error
				set MOUNTEXISTS to "false"
			end try
			if MOUNTEXISTS is "true" then
					do shell script "umount -f /Volumes/" & student_id
				on error
						do shell script "rm -rf /Volumes/" & student_id
					end try
				end try
			end if
			-- the -o nobrowse option means that this mount will not be visible in the Finder. 
			-- delete this and it will be visible in the finder.
				do shell script "mkdir -p /Volumes/" & student_id & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
				do shell script "mount_afp afp://" & student_id & ":" & passwd & "@" & student_server & "/" & student_id & "/Documents /Volumes/" & student_id
			on error
				display alert "There was a problem authenticating. Please make sure you have the correct username, password and class selected. 
If the problem persists, please contact your school's technical support" attached to theWindow as critical
			end try
		end tell
	end if
end clicked

The last piece I need is to figure out how to make the mount go to their Documents folder…right now, it will mount them to their main user directory. I tried to hard code in the path, but that didn’t work, but I can do the full path from a “Connect to Server” command.

After some research I see that it may not be easy to do, so I’ll keep looking and testing, but if anyone knows how to get around this part, that’d be great…the whole thing is that we don’t want some of our…smarter…students to try to mess with their Library files, so we want to restrict their access to only their Document folder.
