Okay, I’m not very good with UNIX, so hopefully someone can help. Basically, I’ve written an applescript that I want to run at a certain time every day. I came upon the crontab command while looking into this. Can I use this command to specify when to run a script? If so, how? I’ve played with it some and can’t figure it out. Does anyone have better ideas about this? Thanks for any help that you can provide.
Get yourself a copy of chronix at http://www.koch-schmidt.de/cronnix/
When you enter a command, there’s a checkbox to prepend the open command (/usr/bin/open) which you’ll need when calling your scripts from the command line.
Excellent!! Thank you very much for the link. I downloaded cronnix and saw what was wrong with my crontab. I’ve got simple applescripts running like they should, so I should be able to do everything I need to. Thanks again!