With the help of some users on this form I was able to create this script below which lets you choose a folder then choose which folders within the folder you want to rsync into a OneDrive Backup Folder.
Basically were migrating from a on site network storage to OneDrive for Business and want to create a script that as easy as possible for our users.
The issue I have is I dont want the users to be able to choose the original folder, I want to set the variable up front.
In the script I use:
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Please Choose The Root of Your H Drive
Or The Folder That Looks Like: " & userName & "$")
If I use:
set theFolder to "/Volumes/MYERSMI5$/"
I get " Can’t Get every file of said folder " error message
How Do I set the theFolder for this script ahead of time instead of asking the user to pick the folder?
set OuserName to do shell script "whoami"
set userName to do shell script "echo " & OuserName & " | tr a-z A-Z"
tell application "Finder"
if not (disk userName exists) then
mount volume "SMB Server/" & userName & "$"
end if
delay 2
set theDialogText to "
- Mac H-Drive Migration Tool -
This Application Will Migrate a Copy of Your H Drive Data
to your OneDrive for Buisness Folder Locally on Your Mac
Migration Backup Location:
/Users/" & OuserName & "/OneDrive Folder/H-Drive Migration Backup
** Important **
In the Next Window Please Choose
The Root Folder of Your H Drive
The Drive Label Should Look Like: " & userName & "$"
display dialog theDialogText
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Please Choose The Root of Your H Drive
Or The Folder That Looks Like: " & userName & "$")
do shell script "mkdir -p ~/'OneDrive Folder'/'H-Drive Migration Backup'"
set HDriveBackupFolder to ((path to home folder as text) & "OneDrive Folder:H-Drive Migration Backup")
set AppName to "OneDrive.app"
tell application "Finder" to set Answer_ to exists application file ((path to applications folder as string) & AppName)
if Answer_ is false then
end if
delay 1.5
tell application "Finder"
set theFolderNames to name of folders of theFolder
set theChosenNames to (choose from list theFolderNames with prompt "Choose Which Folders to Backup, Please Hold Down The ⌘ Key To Choose Multiple Folders " with multiple selections allowed)
if (theChosenNames is false) then return
set HDriveBackupFolder to ((path to home folder as text) & "OneDrive Folder:H-Drive Migration Backup")
end tell
repeat with thisName in theChosenNames
tell application "Terminal"
do script ("rsync -avpz --delete " & (quoted form of POSIX path of ((theFolder as text) & thisName)) & space & (quoted form of POSIX path of HDriveBackupFolder))
end tell
end repeat
end tell