I’m a newbie to mac and Applescript. Any help would make my life less complicated. I have the task at work to archive each months ads from the client folders. This task can take a long time. I’m sure that there is a way to automate this. I can write the macro on a pc, but have yet to figure it out in Applescript. I need to write a script that will look for a specific folder name within other folders on my server, create a new folder in a specific place on my mac and give it the same name as the parent folder of the folder located, copy the folder and its contents to the new folder, then delete the folder off the server. This needs to repeat so that all of the folders with the same month name are found and duplicated to folders named by the client on my mac.
If you can direct me to a place that will help me figure this out or if you can help me write the script I would be greatful.
If it’s on a network file server and you know how to write macros on a PC, do you have a PC you could use for this task?
How about unix shell scripting, (OSX is built on BSD Unix) which are similar to the macros you already know how to write? There’s lots of tutorials on the web for shell scripting. Or you could use perl, java, whatever, if you know one of those.
No? Want to learn something totally new? Well, there are some Applescript samples that come with OSX. Look in the
/Library/Scripts/Finder Scripts/ folder on any OSX mac and open the files in the script editor application. These will give you an idea of some of the things you can do by scripting the Finder (that’s the program that manages the mac desktop).
You can also do a search on this site for finder scripts. There are lots of them.
And get yourself a good AppleScript book.
If you can come up with a framework, people here can help get you through any rough spots if you get stuck.