need help with a table

I have a 2 column table in a drawer. When I open the drawer I want the table values to be filled in from a list. My error is “NSContainerSpecifierError (2)”, so I think the error is in the line of code… tell data source of table view “savedFilesTable” of scroll view “savedFilesTable”

Any ideas where I’ve gone wrong? Do you see any other errors?

–Here’s what I’ve got.
–for the containers
drawer name: drawer
window name of drawer: theReader

–for the table
nsscrollview: savedFilesTable
nstableview: savedFilesTable
column 1 name: bookName
column 2 name: paraNum

– my code

on opened theObject
	if theObject is drawer "drawer" of window "theReader" then
		tell theObject
			set myList to {"Amendments", "7", "History Of The United States", "244", "Jfk'S Inaugural Address", "2"}
			tell data source of table view "savedFilesTable" of scroll view "savedFilesTable"
				make new data column at the end of data columns with properties {name:"bookName"}
				make new data column at the end of data columns with properties {name:"paraNum"}
				set count_items to count of myList
				repeat with b from 1 to count_items by 2
					set theRow to make new data row at the end of data rows
					set this_saved_file_name to (item b of myList) as string
					set this_saved_para_num to (item (b + 1) of myList) as string
					set contents of data cell "bookName" of theRow to this_saved_file_name
					set contents of data cell "paraNum" of theRow to this_saved_para_num
				end repeat
			end tell
		end tell
	end if
end opened

I gave up on the complicated version. I used the example from “Simple Table” and came up with this code which works for me… if you’re inerested…

on awake from nib theObject
	set myList to {"Amendments", "7", "History Of The United States", "244", "Jfk'S Inaugural Address", "2"}
	set list_of_lists to {}
	repeat with b from 1 to count of formatted_file_items by 2
		set mini_list to {}
		set mini_list to {item b of formatted_file_items, item (b + 1) of formatted_file_items}
		set end of list_of_lists to mini_list
	end repeat
--> which changes my list into list_of_lists {{"Amendments", "7"}, {"History Of The United States", "244"}, {"Jfk'S Inaugural Address", "2"}}
	set content of theObject to list_of_lists
end awake from nib