Need Internet Connect script help (w/ script)

I am trying to script internet connect app in osX, unfortunately it does nothing.
Here is the script :

 -- get user and password with dialog
tell application "Internet Connect"
connect "Internal Modem" to telephone number 4293216 as user "user_string" with password "pass_string" 
end tell

The app launches but none of the fields are filled in.
I also need to make a new location, choose modem, and fill in required fields in the network system preference. How is the done through applescript? Any hints or pointers to examples would be appreciated.

I shouldn’t really be answering you because I haven’t got X, but I can’t see that you need the sort of script you are trying if all that information is already lodged wherever it should be. All you should need is

open location "http://wherever u want to go first" 

That does, of course, use “Standard Additions” but, as far as I know it works in X. Forgive me if that is totally wrong.