Need to create a window in automator

I’m writing a bunch of actions for automator and one of them needs to create a new window and pass it values to two different text fields. The actions are written in python, but I can write the window in applescript. The trouble is I have no idea how to do this. Is there any simple way to pass values into fields of a window created in interface builder. app(‘Finder’).window(‘MyCustomWIndow’).text_fields[1].value.set(someValue) doesn’t work, nor does the equivalent applescript. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please note that I am using Xcode 4 on Lion, and I am using python 2.7.

  • Al

Model: Mac Pro dual hex core
Browser: Safari 534.51.22
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)

In your app delegate script, you’d have a property to the window:

property mainWindow : missing value

and that’s connected to the window in IB. And then you have a property for the text field, connected the same way:

property someTextField : missing value

Then you can tell the text field to set it’s value:

tell someTextField to setStringValue_(“some text”)

Or you could also bind the value of the field to a variable. And then you just set the variable, but remember to use “my” because that is the same as using KVC properly.

property boundVariableOfTextField : “initial value”

set my boundVariableOfTextField to theNewVariable

Will I have to call app delegate from my main.command script, or will this run when I instantiate my automator action in automator? I’m creating shell script actions, and so would need to append a delegate script inside my project.

Thanks for the help,

  • Al

Sorry I overlooked the “automator action” part. :stuck_out_tongue: I am not sure, I’ve never made one of them. I’m not sure how much is involved, or how a delegate even fits into the project.