Hi Team,
Here is the script for delete the layer for a single document, but i need to 100 indesign documents in a folder how it is possible.
tell application “Adobe InDesign CS2”
set myDocument to active document
tell myDocument
delete (every layer of myDocument whose name is “Graphics”)
end tell
end tell
display dialog "Graphics layers was deleted "
try this
set theFolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder" to set theFiles to files of theFolder whose name extension is "indd"
repeat with oneFile in theFiles
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDocument to open (oneFile as alias)
tell myDocument
delete (every layer whose name is "Graphics")
end tell
close myDocument saving yes
end tell
end repeat
display dialog "Graphics layers were deleted "
Thank u so much StefanK, Let you know still i have any problems on the same.
I have basic AS experience. Similar task going to a folder, open ID docs, delete layer, save & close but the script stops because there is some docs that the layer I want to delete “SOnic” is not present. Im getting error:
error “Adobe InDesign CS4 got an error: Can’t get every layer of document 1 whose name = "SOnic".” number -1728 from every layer of document 1 whose name = “SOnic”
What is the proper line code to ignore if the layer is not found then ignore. See below.
set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder containing InDesign docs to Delete SOnic layer." with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
tell application "Finder" to set item_list to (every item where name ends with "indd") of folder source_folder as alias list
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
repeat with DocAlias in item_list
set doc to open DocAlias --without showing window ignore any dialogs
tell document 1
delete (every layer whose name is "SOnic")
end tell
save doc
delay 3
close doc
end repeat
end tell
beep 3
with timeout of 10000 seconds
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "SOnic layer has been deleted :-)" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end tell
end timeout
check if the layer exists
if exists layer "SOnic" then delete (every layer whose name is "SOnic")