Network Volume Label/Name

Greetings. Is there an Applescript way of changing the name of a mounted network volume? I have several inetpub shares that I am connecting to and I would like to modify my applecript for connecting to them to label them with a friendly name so I can tell which is which. :smiley:

Oh… and is there a method for masking a password? My current AS looks like this.
property userID : “”
property userPassword : “”

set userID to the text returned of (display dialog “Please enter your ID” default answer “” buttons {“Cancel”, “Ok”} default button 2)
set userPassword to the text returned of (display dialog “Please enter your password” default answer “” buttons {“Cancel”, “Ok”} default button 2)

tell application “Finder”
open location1 “smb://DOMAIN;” & userID & “:” & userPassword & “@servername/folder/”
open location2 “smb://DOMAIN;” & userID & “:” & userPassword & “@servername/folder/”
open location3 “smb://DOMAIN;” & userID & “:” & userPassword & “@servername/folder/”
on error
display dialog “Could not connect to server”
end try
end tell

I’m pretty new, so any assistance would be awesome. Thanks in advance.


Nothing at all eh? I figured for sure someone here would know how to do this or if it’s even possible or not. :confused: