New NSWindow behavior in Lion? And fullscreen... will SL mind?


Maybe my first question is a stupid one, but there seems to be a new behavior for NSWindows in Lion where once the app is not the frontmost one, it’s window disappears. Is there an option to prevent that?

And second question: if I do choose to enable fullscreen support on my main window, will my app have problems under 10.6? I tried to find info on this in the dev docs, but no answer. If I have to create two XIBs for each OS and add code to load the appropriate one at launch, I think I’ll leave the option to “not supported”… :slight_smile: My app is devised to be deployed on 10.6 and 10.7, but I only want to maintain one app for both.

Thanks in advance!

Model: MBPro8,2
Browser: Safari 534.48.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)

To answer your second question: it shouldn’t be a problem knowing Objective-C is small talk based. The window controller (or window) gets a message that it needs to go full screen, but no object responds to that. Then when running in SL the option full screen isn’t visible because an 10.6 NSWindow is drawn on the screen so the user isn’t able to do it by himself. Still the best thing to do is to determine which OS you’re running and wrap a If statement around it.

It sounds like you’ve clicked on Hide On Deactivate.

You can check for the OS, or use respondsToSelector_ in an if clause.

Yep that was it… So that’s what this button’s for? :slight_smile:

And as for the fullscreen, seems like too much trouble for something that is only a fancy feature in the case of my app. Therefore i’ll let it go for now.

Thanks for your reply!

Model: MBPro8,2
Browser: Safari 534.48.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)