I recently discovered I could use scripts to have my computer do slave work for me. Being a mathematician, I immediately fell in love with tha idea. And so my story begins… I’ve started to learn the basics, and I got my computer to do all kinds of small little routines for me. Then I decided to attack a bigger project: clean up my large iTunes music folder. The goal is to track down identical items in content. The hierarchy is as follows:
Music Folder > Artists > Albums > Files (songs)
We make the assumption that 2 files lying in different Albums are necessarily distinct, and thus need not be compared.
So, I built a nested routine of repeats roughly saying:
repeat with i from 1 to (number of Artist folders)
tell folder i
repeat with j from 1 to (number of Album folders)
tell folder j
[Here goes the compare/delete routine]
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
I want to isolate groups of files such that all members in each group share the same content. In particular, they have the same size, but that’s an insufficient condition to make a definite decision. Those files do not have the same name, rather, iTunes automatically names them as “title.mp3”, “title 1.mp3”, “title 2.mp3”, etc… This makes it very hard to compare the files names.
I’m at sea. I have no idea how to solve my problem without writing a routine that would be very slow. One idea would be to take for granted that 2 files are identical if they have the same size and the same first word in their title. Then again, although that’s very likely to be true, there could be exception.
So, I basically need a “tag” that uniquely describes the content of a given file.
I hope I’m making sense. I’m so new at this. I would appreciate any word of wisdom…
Best wishes to all,
Model: Mac Book Pro
AppleScript: Whichever came with the laptop
Browser: Safari
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)