New to Applescript - Looping Help - For...In Equivilent

Hello MacScripter Community,

I’m new to the world of Applescript and am having fun making my mac speak to me etc :slight_smile:

I’d like to use Applescript to cycle through some proxy servers on my mac. So I’ve figured out how to use;

do shell script "sudo networksetup -setwebproxy airport 80" 

and change proxy servers and even bring up prompts to pick between Airport and Ethernet for example but what I need to be able to do is take an input of eliminated proxies like so;

set proxies to ""

OR (whichever is easier)

set proxies to ",,,,,"

For each of these proxies I need to run the change function and be able to split the proxy from the port.

What’s the equivalent of explode and the For loop in PHP?

Any help is appreciated.



here is an example:

on run
	set proxies to ""
	set proxies to my gettxtitems(ASCII character 10, proxies)
	repeat with proxie in proxies
		set {domain, pport} to my gettxtitems(":", proxie)
		display dialog "Domain: " & domain & return & "Port: " & pport
	end repeat
end run

-- I am returning the text items of a text separated by the given delimiter
on gettxtitems(delim, txt)
	set olddelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim}
	set txtitems to text items of txt
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddelims
	return txtitems
end gettxtitems

It seems that Martin and I were typing at the same time. Our code uses the same mechanism. I also included a note about sudo and do shell script at the end of this post.

There is no direct equivalent to explode, but you can get very close with a simple use of text item delimiters and text items. The loop is repeat with var in listValue . end. Once you have an equivalent to explode, you can go with either input string, though AppleScript does have a built-in paragraphs reference that can break up the string that uses values on separate lines.

Check out the AppleScript Language Guide to read about all the basic syntax and built-in features of AppleScript.

-- like PHP's explode?
to explode(delimiter, str)
	set text item delimiters to {delimiter}
	text items of str
end explode
to explodeWithLimit(delimiter, str, limit)
	if limit is 0 then set limit to 1
	set theItems to explode(delimiter, str)
	if limit < 0 then
		set limit to (length of theItems) + limit
		items 1 through (limit - 1) of theItems
		if limit > length of theItems then set limit to length of theItems
		items 1 through limit of l
	end if
end explodeWithLimit

set l to {}

set proxies_comma to ",,,,,"
repeat with proxy in explode(",", proxies_comma)
	set {theIP, thePort} to explode(":", proxy)
	set end of l to "networksetup . " & quoted form of theIP & space & quoted form of thePort
end repeat

set proxies_lines to ""
repeat with proxy in paragraphs of proxies_lines
	set {theIP, thePort} to explode(":", proxy)
	set end of l to "network setup . " & quoted form of theIP & space & quoted form of thePort
end repeat


Per, Technical Note TN2065 “do shell script in AppleScript”, you should not use sudo but simply do shell script . with administrator privileges.

Thanks for your help. Yes I’ve got a working solution!

Applescript is very powerful, a bit of a conceptual leap from PHP.