NEWB: Folder action for Compressor Droplet

I am trying to set up a render flow from Final Cut Pro through to a compressor droplet.
At the end of the day I set up multiple sequences to be rendered to a target folder. The folder action recognizes the results, does a file size compare to wait for it to finish, and runs a compressor droplet(s) on them turning them into screening, audio only and web ready versions.
I have a script to use as a Folder Action that I found and modified and it works… almost. It recognizes new files, waits for copying to finish and then runs the droplet. The droplet part works flawlessly. My problem was last night I set it up for it’s first big queue and it did the first file that it got but not the rest. When I came in the morning, all I did was hit get info an all the finished FCP exports and it triggered the rest. The files sizes in the window weren’t updated and I thought that might be the reason. Some of the original FCP renders can take up to 2 or 3 hours per sequence and files sizes get up into the 10-20GB range.

Here’s my script. I have the computer set to not go to sleep and not spin down the hard drives.
Thanks if anyone can help.


on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theItems
	repeat with f in theItems
		-- when all the items are there, then go
		set Was to 0
		set isNow to 1
		repeat while isNow ≠ Was
			-- the script loops until the file size is the same for more than 30 seconds.
			set Was to size of (info for f)
			-- get the file size of the video
			delay 30
			set isNow to size of (info for f)
			-- checking the file size 30 seconds later
		end repeat
		tell application "Finder"
			open theItems using application file "" of folder "Droplets" of folder "GirlsRAIDTEMP" of disk "Raid Drives"
		end tell
	end repeat -- get next item f in thisFolder
end adding folder items to

Model: MacPro 2x3GHz Dual Core
AppleScript: 1.10.7
Browser: Safari 525.22
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


you process the files in a repeat loop with index variable f, but you
open all files in every iteration. Maybe open f instead of theItems helps

open f using application file "" of folder "Droplets" of folder "GirlsRAIDTEMP" of disk "Raid Drives"