I have made an automator workflow, involves moving files and copying to users home folder. This works perfectly on my system as the automator copies to Users/CONOR/Liabray/Pref but… when I put this on this on my co-workers machine , it looks for the CONOR folder but can’t find it as it doesn’t exist.
I have asked around and I know that with the script tool you can use “~” fir the home folder but I don’t have the skills to write the script for this move action
Can some one please help me ???
Thank you
Hi Conor,
you can specify the home folder of the current user independently from any machine with
path to home folder
which results the alias of the home folder or
path to preferences folder
which points to the Preferences Folder of the current user.
A path to a particular file can be e.g.
(path to preferences folder as Unicode text) & "com.apple.Safari.plist"
which is the (dot separated) path to the preference file of Safari and it works on every machine
The tilde (~) oder slashed doesn’t work in AppleScript, you need it for shell scripts