Newbie needs help scripting ZipIt

Hi There,

I’m trying to write a script that will allow me to individually zip a batch of files dropped onto it. So far I’ve come up with this however I’m getting problems in that the ZipIt application is trying to open the files thinking them to be .zip files.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Here’s the code:-

displayName(choose file with prompt “Select a file:”) --if double-clicked
return – not needed, but shows that the script stops here when “run”

on open of finderObjects – catches drag’n’drop launches
repeat with i in (finderObjects) – in case multiple objects dropped on applet
processName(i) – show file/folder’s info
end repeat
end open

on processName(theFile) – an example of doing something with each item
tell application “ZipIt”
set file_name to theFile as string
set this_file to “MM_G4_SJ:Desktop Folder:” & file_name
save window 1 in file file_name
end tell
end processName

Next to ZipIt, you will find an item called “Drop files here to zip (OS X)”. I supposse you can use it easylly!

In case you don’t have such droplet, here is the code:

on deleteExtension(name)
	if character ((number of characters in name) - 3) of name is "." then
		return characters 1 through ((number of characters in name) - 4) of name as string
		return name
	end if
end deleteExtension

on open fileList
	if fileList is {} then
		display dialog "Drop files onto this application to zip them." buttons {"OK"}
		-- the following code is just to figure out
		-- what the name of the zip archive should be
		copy name of (info for (item 1 of fileList)) to fileName
		set fileName to deleteExtension(fileName)
		copy (fileName & ".zip") to zipFileName
		copy item 1 of fileList to firstFile
		tell application "Finder"
			set zipFolder to ((container of firstFile) as alias)
		end tell
		-- this is the part that actually adds the files and zips them
		tell application "ZipIt"
			set the_window to (make new window at beginning)
			repeat with file_to_zip in fileList
				add file_to_zip to the_window
			end repeat
			compress the_window name zipFileName in zipFolder
		end tell
	end if
end open

Thanks for the script, I’m having problems though! When I drop a file onto the script icon the ZipIt opens with the file in the window however I get the error:-

‘Can’t make <> of alias “MM_G$_SJ:Desktop Folder:test.jpg” into a alias’

Do you have any ideas as to why I’m getting that error?

Thanks again for your help,


The offending code seems this:

tell application "Finder"
	set zipFolder to ((container of firstFile) as alias)
end tell

Personally, I hate the Finder for most of operations… :evil:
You can try these lines instead:

set zipFolder to firstFile as text
set zipFolder to alias (text 1 thru (-(offset of ":" in (reverse of zipFolder's text items as string))) of zipFolder)

*Are you working under OS X?

Sorry, I should have said, I’m using OS9.

No! You are in the correct forum! I asked because maybe ZipIt’s dictionary was not the same for OS9 than for OSX, which is not very probable, though… :?

I now get the error:-

‘Can’t make <> of application “Finder” into the expected type’


:shock: Are you outside a “tell block”?
What happens with this?

tell application "Finder" 
    set zipFolder to container of firstFile
    set zipFolder to zipFolder as alias
 end tell

Here’s the code as it stands, when I drop a file on to the icon I get the error:-

Can’t make <> of application Finder into a alias.

The code:-

on deleteExtension(name)
if character ((number of characters in name) - 3) of name is “.” then
return characters 1 through ((number of characters in name) - 4) of name as string
return name
end if
end deleteExtension

on open fileList
if fileList is {} then
display dialog “Drop files onto this application to zip them.” buttons {“OK”}
– the following code is just to figure out
– what the name of the zip archive should be

	copy name of (info for (item 1 of fileList)) to fileName
	set fileName to deleteExtension(fileName)
	copy (fileName & ".zip") to zipFileName
	copy item 1 of fileList to firstFile
	tell application "Finder"
		set zipFolder to container of firstFile
		set zipFolder to zipFolder as alias
	end tell
	-- this is the part that actually adds the files and zips them 
	tell application "ZipIt"
		set the_window to (make new window at beginning)
		repeat with file_to_zip in fileList
			add file_to_zip to the_window
		end repeat
		compress the_window name zipFileName in zipFolder
	end tell
end if

end open

Hmmm… Last try!
Delete this:

tell application "Finder" 
     set zipFolder to container of firstFile 
     set zipFolder to zipFolder as alias 
end tell

And substitute with this:

set zipFolder to firstFile as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set zipFolder to "" & zipFolder's text items 1 thru -2 & ":"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set zipFolder to zipFolder as alias

Thanks for the new code which I replaced. It works fine the only problem is all of the files dropped onto the icon are now zipped into the same archive, unfortunately I wanted to keep them as separate .zip files.

I’ll have to play around with the code to see if I can get it working.

Thanks for all your help over the past hours.


Thanks for all the help with this one.

I’ve had a plat around with the script and managed to get it to do what I wanted. For those who are interested here’s the revised script:-

on deleteExtension(name)
if character ((number of characters in name) - 3) of name is “.” then
return characters 1 through ((number of characters in name) - 4) of name as string
return name
end if
end deleteExtension

on open fileList
set i to 1

if fileList is {} then
	display dialog "Drop files onto this application to zip them." buttons {"OK"}
	-- the following code is just to figure out 
	-- what the name of the zip archive should be 
	repeat with file_to_zip in fileList
		copy name of (info for (item i of fileList)) to fileName
		set fileName to deleteExtension(fileName)
		copy (fileName & ".zip") to zipFileName
		copy item 1 of fileList to firstFile
		set zipFolder to firstFile as string
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
		set zipFolder to "" & zipFolder's text items 1 thru -2 & ":"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
		set zipFolder to zipFolder as alias
		-- this is the part that actually adds the files and zips them 
		tell application "ZipIt"
			set the_window to (make new window at beginning)
			add file_to_zip to the_window
			compress the_window name zipFileName in zipFolder
			save window 1
			close window 1
		end tell
		set i to i + 1
	end repeat
end if

end open

Cool! I’m gladed it finally worked… :smiley: