Newbie needs help with image database script

I’m super new to this and can’t seem to find what I am looking for although I know it exists out there somewhere. Pretty simple really…I need to find a script that will allow me to select a folder that contins images (jpg, tiff, eps), import ALL those files into thumbnail boxes in a QXD doc with a small text box under ea thumbnail that is the file name of that photo. The images will obviously need to be automatically resized to fit smaller “thumbail” size boxes. Basically, I need a printable and viewable sheet of all my digital images as some sort of index sheet…any ideas anyone!!!

I think that there are some script’s in the script builders pages that do this ( I also have one that I have written at work that will catalog all images in a dropped folder (and subfolders), analyze the pixel dimensions (PS 7), copy over all that are greater than a set dimension to a new folder, convert them to cmyk tif’s, and fill this info in a text box below the image. It’s not a difficult script to write once you have the layout that you want and the code to parse through the folders/files dropped.