Newbie: No Interface Builder Graphic Objects to Drag to Project Window


Trying to put Interface Builder window elements into the blank canvas of a new XCode project. Problem is, there don’t seem to be any objects to drag. Since I don’t see how to insert a graphic into this posting, here’s a text version of the pertinent part of my Xcode window:

FirstProject |Placeholders |(Blank window “FirstProject”)
1 target, OS X SDK 10.8 | File’s Owner |
FirstProject | First Responder |
AppDelegate.applescript | Application |
mainMenu.xib [highlighted] |Objects |
Supporting Files | MainMenu |
Frameworks | Window - FirstProject |
Products | View |
| App Delegate |
| Font Manager |

Seems to me there should be a selection of window elements for dragging under the “View” icon in the middle column, but there isn’t. Any ideas? TIA, Jonathan

Choose View → Utilities → Show Object Library.

That worked. Many thanks!–Jonathan