Newbie - Please help me !!!

I’m a newbie who really want to understand Applescript. I really have difficulties to understand how to adapt a script to suit my needs.

What I want to do is to select 3 mailboxes and this is what I have written

tell application "Mail"
	tell message viewer 1
		set the selected mailboxes to {"A TRAITER", "Outbox", "InBox"}
	end tell
end tell

But I get an error : NSUnknownKeyScriptError… Could you please correct my script ?

Thanks a lot !!!

this code works fine :

tell application "Mail"
	tell message viewer 1
		set selected mailboxes to {inbox, outbox}
	end tell
end tell

and select my InBox ans my OutBox. But how can I also select my mailbox nammed “A TRAITER” ? Or the mailbox of the messages sent ???


I had problems when putting it inside a tell block for the message viewer and you meed to tell it that “A Traitor” is a mailbox (inbox and outbox are already mailbox constants so it knows about them):


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

thanks a lot, it works fine.

But I still have problems to include the mailbox of sent messages. I tried with its name in french like “A TRAITER” but it doesn’t works. Do you know which name is given to this special mailbox ?


Ah, I didn’t recognize the French. Sorry. I thought you were talking about a custom mailbox you had defined. Is this what you mean?


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

Thanks. It’s exaclty what I need