Newbie Question - List Users

Hi Scripting Gods and Godesses,

I am writing my first script which needs to delete a couple of files in that “may” by on any or all of the attached volumes regardless of it’s name… This I’ve taken care of with:

tell application "Finder"
	set attachedVolumes to name of every disk
	repeat with aVolume in attachedVolumes
		set digiBaseFolder to aVolume & ":Digidesign Database"
		if digiBaseFolder exists then
			delete digiBaseFolder
		end if
		set digiVolumeFolder to aVolume & ":Library:Application Support:Digidesign:Databases:Volumes"
		if digiVolumeFolder exists then
			delete digiVolumeFolder
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

The second task is where I am having a problem, I need to delete some files and folders within the users libtaty, regardless of the user name and covering all users.

The problem is that I can’t work out a way to create a list of users on the system.

Any help would be great.

Duke Stewart.

Model: iBook
AppleScript: Version 2.1 (80)
Browser: Safari 412.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi Duke,

This gives you a list of short user names from Unix.

paragraphs of (do shell script "ls -1d /Users/* | cut -d/ -f3 | grep -v Shared")

Or using plain Applescript.

tell application "Finder"
	set myUsers to name of folders of (path to users folder)
end tell

Best wishes

John M

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply, I tried to intergrate your suggestion by adding the following to my original “repeat”:

set myUsersPath to aVolume & ":Users"
set myUsers to name of folders of myUsersPath
		repeat with aUser in myUsers
			set userPrefsPlist to aUser & ":Library:Preferences:com.digidesign.protools.plist"
			set userPrefsDigisetup to aUser & ":Library:Preferences:Digisetup.OSX"
			set userPrefsDAE to aUser & ":Library:Preferences:DAE prefs"
				delete userPrefsPlist
				delete userPrefsDigisetup
				delete userPrefsDAE
			end try
		end repeat

But I keep getting the error:

Can’t get every folder of “General:Users”.

FYI - “General” is the current boot partition of my test machine so the setting of the path seems to be working.

This may have been because I tried to be too tricky. Let me explain, the machines I am trying to maintain can have multiple boot partitions/volumes and the program that this all relates to may although shouldn’t find one of the files it needs in/on another partiton/volume if it doesn’t find it on the current partiton/volume.

So I want it to check all attached partitons and volumes.

Any suggestions?


Model: iBook
AppleScript: Version 2.1 (80)
Browser: Safari 412.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi Jacques,

Thanks for the reply.

In order to use the “aVolume” reference I had to put your script within my existing repeat, making the entire loop:

tell application "Finder"
	set attachedVolumes to name of every disk
	repeat with aVolume in attachedVolumes
		set digiBaseFolder to aVolume & ":Digidesign Database"
		if digiBaseFolder exists then
			delete digiBaseFolder
		end if
		set digiVolumeFolder to aVolume & ":Library:Application Support:Digidesign:Databases:Volumes"
		if digiVolumeFolder exists then
			delete digiVolumeFolder
		end if
		set myUsersPath to aVolume & ":Users" as alias
		set myUsers to folders of myUsersPath
		repeat with aUser in myUsers
				set Path_aUser_Prefs to (aUser as string) & "Library:Preferences" as alias
				delete (items of Path_aUser_Prefs whose name is in {"com.digidesign.protools.plist", "Digisetup.OSX", "DAE prefs"})
			end try
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

When I run this I now get a message:

File Network:Users wasn’t found.

And the word alias is high lighted within the editor.

All the best,


Hi Jacques,

Works brilliantly !! Thanks for your help.
