Newbie Questions

I have a few questions regarding Applescript:

Am i able to add the mimimise, maximise and close radio buttons to the toolbar of a script ive written?

When i set up a item list, underneath there are 2 buttons, cancel and ok, am i able to remove those?

and last one

Am i able to embed an image in an applescript app? so if i press a button it brings up a pic of darth vader on any machine that the script is being run

thank you for all the help!

Hi. You can add images in Interface Builder. Depending on which version of the OS you’re using, that could be part of Applescript Studio or rolled into Xcode as an editor. If you just want to change the text of the three buttons in a dialog, you can do that in your script; the button maximum is three and the minimum is one.

display dialog "whatever" buttons {"button name 1", "button name 2", "button name 3"}

Thanks for that, I was actually wondering about adding the little red, yellow and green buttons in the upper left hand of the window.

I don’t think you can add the red, orange, and green buttons to your script, unless you use AppleScript Studio or AppleScriptObjC, in which case you have an entirely different problem.