Newbie scripting help

hello all, i am trying to write my very first script ever. i am making it just for fun, the objective being that a text dialog pops up and says “mokhok is the ruler of the universe” if you decline, then you get rick roll’d. (that being said, dont click the link inside the script, you will be rick roll’d) i am making this as a joke for my friend, who recently played a similar prank on me.

set rickroll to ""
set stringToBeDisplayed to "Mokhok is ruler of the entire Universe."
set tempVar to display dialog stringToBeDisplayed buttons {"Yes, lord mokhok!", "thats silly"} default button 1

set theButtonPressed to button returned of tempVar

if theButtonPressed is "Yes, lord mokhok!" then
	say "I agree entirely!"
	say "you will soon wish you never said that"
	delay (5)
	tell application "Safari"
		make new document with properties {URL:rickroll}	
end if

does anyone know what i am doing wrong?

Model: Macbook
AppleScript: 2.2.1
Browser: Safari 531.21.10
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

set rickroll to ""
set stringToBeDisplayed to "Mokhok is ruler of the entire Universe."
set tempVar to display dialog stringToBeDisplayed buttons {"Yes, lord mokhok!", "thats silly"} default button 1

set theButtonPressed to button returned of tempVar

if theButtonPressed is "Yes, lord mokhok!" then
	say "I agree entirely!"
	say "you will soon wish you never said that"
	delay (5)
	tell application "Safari"
		make new document with properties {URL:rickroll}
	end tell
end if

you just needed to place an end tell prior to the end if

oh i see where i went wrong there. thanks so much for the help!