OK, I know a bit about applescrip and have been writing them for a fair few years. I’m now getting into putting interfaces onto scripts with Applescript Studio.
Apart from this bbs and website, what other good resoueces are there for newbies like myself to learn how AS works.
My current problem is I have a nice project that allows me to display a window with a table and add, remove and modify the contents of items on it. It’s based on the example “Table” project (the one without datasource)
Now, what I would love to do is populate the table with data from a file, read when the app launches, so far this has eluded me. I can get it to populate the table if I click a button, but I want some automation here.
I’ve tried using the On Run() handler, which is what I would use in normal applescripts, but it yeilds nothing. I’ve looked at other projects which have on launching() handlers, but they yield nothing either.
What on earth am I doing wrong?
Next question too. I really liked the Table project, and was going to the the “with data source” part of it, until I decided that instead of one table, I wanted two, this seemed to cause me problems, I could not seem to get data added to table two, not matter how hard I tried. Obviously was not trying hard enough. Does anyone have any code to allow add/removal/modification of data from two tables on the same window, oh and info on how to then populate these tables with data from files, and then export the data from the tables to a files, would be really handy.
I know I’m asking a lot, but well, I LIKE 'studio and I have created other projects that work, just I’ve hit a stumbling block.
thanks for any help