i am trying to get a switch to enable/disable a popup button when on/off and i have run into a problem. i originaly tried to do this with a normal if statement but it was enabling then disabling the popup button every time i clicked instead of doing one or the other. I decided that i need to put in an else into my if statement but i can’t get it to work… Can someone please show me how to write this? below is my attempt. thanks in advance…
on clicked
on DoThisMainThing
Set ThisIsTrue to enabled of popup button “assignPB” of box “Assign” of window “pmate” is true
set ThisOtherThingIsTrue enabled of popup button “assignPB” of box “Assign” of window “pmate” is false
set dothis to set EnabledState to true
set dothisotherthing to set EnabledState to false
if ThisIsTrue then
else if thisOtherhingistrue then
end if
end DoThisMainThing
if theObject is button “AssignSwitch” of box “Assign” of window “pmate” then
end if
end clicked
PS is there an easier way to do this through Interface builder?
One of my projects, iPhotos By Size, performs a similar thing. When a checkbox is checked, the date fields are enabled, the default state is that the date field is unavailable. Here is the code that I use:
on clicked theObject
set butt to theObject's name
if butt = "use_dates" then --This button toggles the date fields from active to inactive
if date_State is false then --if they are already inactive, they need to be activated.......
tell window "main"
set enabled of control "from_date" to true
set enabled of control "to_date" to true
end tell
set date_State to true --....and this variable needs to be set to true
tell window "main" --This will only kick in if the date_State variable is true, meaning that the user wishes to turn them off
set enabled of control "from_date" to false
set enabled of control "to_date" to false
end tell
set date_State to false --So, now, the variable is set back to false.
end if
The variable date_State is defined at the beginning as a property:
property date_State : false --Starting up, the date controls need to be inactive